We've been busy living life as usual the past couple of months. Steven finished his rotation in Powell and was back just in time for Halloween. His dad sent him back with a couple pumpkins for us to carve, but we only managed to use one of them. Also a few days before Halloween, we took Steven's sister Tiffany to Fort Collins to the haunted corn maze for her birthday. Unfortunately, I didn't get any pictures but had to mention how much fun it was. (Even though we stood in line for 2 hours surrounded by annoying little girls. These same teenage girls got scared once inside the corn maze and followed us for awhile before we could lose them. I hope I was not this annoying as a teenager, but something tells me I probably was.) Halloween night we were pretty lazy and watched a couple scary movies and waited for trick-or-treaters. Don't worry, we got one. The fact that tradition kept up this year and southern Wyoming got completely dumped on with snow that week probably had something to do with that. Cheyenne got what we usually get all winter in 4 days. And Steven and I both got snow days from work/rotations. Can't complain about that! I wish I would have taken pictures of all the snow, it was crazy.
Here's our October pictures:

This is me at 26 weeks.

November seemed to be super busy for us, although looking back I'm not sure why. Steven had one of his toughest rotations, ambulatory care, at the UW Family Practice clinic here in town. His evenings were full of projects and presentations. Mine were filled with feeding and cleaning up after him :) JK. He finished his rotation the week before Thanksgiving, and now has a break until March! We traveled up north to Lovell for Thanksgiving again and it was great to be home for a few days. We ate dinner with both my family and his, and let me just say this year went a lot better than last! I think we both realized last year that there was no reason to stress about being on time to one house or the other and we there was no need to rush around. I think we also realized that we didn't have to eat EVERYTHING at both houses. We were a lot less full this year, and the food was still just as delicious the next day! Thanksgiving night we went to A Christmas Carol movie with Steven's family at the Hyart. Not my favorite, but it was ok. The rest of the weekend was spent playing with kids, shopping in Billings, playing cards, and taking my nephew, Ross, to Powell to the movie Old Dogs. Once again, not my favorite but it was decent.
November pictures:

December has been flying by! The first weekend of the month we made an overnight trip to Denver for some Christmas shopping. Steven surprised me that Friday night with tickets to the Colorado Ballet's preformance of The Nutcracker at the Denver Performing Arts center. He knew that I was wanting to go the past couple years, and even though he wasn't overly thrilled about going to the ballet, he wanted to take me. It was SO good! The dancers were amazing, the staging, backdrops, and costumes were awesome, and the orchestra was great! Steven admitted that he enjoyed it a lot more than he thought he would. Our favorite parts were the Land of the Snow, the Russian dancers, the Sugar Plum Fairy, and Mother Ginger(HAHAHA). It was a great surprise and a fun way to start off the Christmas season. Thanks babe!

Before going to The Nutcracker, me at 31 weeks.
We had big plans to get ALL of our shopping done the next day, but we weren't as successful as we hoped we'd be. Luckily, I finished the last of it yesterday and we are DONE! The other night we made our annual gingerbread house. We decided to go with a mini village instead of one big house this time. It turned out to be a lot harder! Everything was so small, and for some reason neither one of us was feeling overly creative this year. But, we had fun and it turned out alright.

Like I mentioned before, Steven has had a break from rotations for a few weeks. He's been keeping himself busy by playing Xbox and sleeping in, and actually has been keeping up on the housework and laundry while I'm at work. It's been great! He has also been going over to Laramie to work at the Walmart pharmacy a few days a week, also. Everyone in his class gets two months worth of "off months" and his happened to fall back to back in January and February. When we first found this out he was kindof bummed, but now we look at it as a blessing since that's when baby will be making her appearance! Right now he's in Powell getting a few days working there. He'll be back tomorrow and we'll leave for Lovell Tuesday evening after I get off work to stay for Christmas. We are looking forward to being with family and having a break for a few days.
As for a pregnancy update, things are going great! I'm 33 weeks along now and feeling pretty good. Other than the regular feet hurting and back pain, I've been fine. Starting to get a little uncomfortable, but my pregnancy has been pretty dang easy so I can't complain too much. Funny story- Thursday at work I had a patient that his wife is pregant and due in June. He asked when I was due and I told him Feb 3rd. He said "Oh so about 6 weeks left" and I said "No, I was 33 weeks yesterday so I have 9 weeks left". And he was like "Huh? How?". For some reason in my head, I was thinking I had 9 weeks left to get ready, but really it's only a little over 6! Not only did I feel like an idiot, in my mind I lost 2 1/2 weeks! AAAHHH! There is still so much to do and after Christmas time is going to FLY! But we are getting so excited and anxious to meet our little girl. We still haven't 100% decided on a name, but have one we really like and have liked since we found out we were expecting. We shall see if it fits, if not we have a couple others that we like too.

Well, that's what has been happening with us! We hope everyone has a Merry Christmas!