I was tagged awhile ago by Andrea and Lindi, so here ya go!
25 Random Things About Me (Only if I can think of that many)
Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 5 people to be tagged.
1. When I was 2 years old, my parents were putting an addition onto our house and I fell off a saw horse and cracked my head open.(If you're wondering why my parents let me play on a saw horse, your guess is as good as mine.) Instead of stitches/staples, the Dr. simply tied a bunch of knots in my hair to keep to wound closed. I have a nice little scar right where I part my hair. During that same addition, my older brother Jordan got ran over, so I think I got the better end of the deal on that one :)
2. When I hang my clothes up, they have to be on hangers that are either the same color as the clothes or a color that coordinates. For example, a white shirt goes on a white hanger, black on black, a pink shirt goes on a white hanger, etc. I've learned to only buy white or black hangers.
3. I hate lunchmeat. Something about it absolutely disgusts me. My sandwiches consist of bread, mayo, and cheese. No meat. Weird, I know.
4. I have to wash the forks about 3 times each when I wash dishes. I have a phobia of food being left in between the prongs. OCD...I have it.
5. I would sleep in until noon everyday if I could.
6. The only semester of college that I got a 4.0 was my 1st semester of Dental Hygiene school. After that, I realized that DDS's only care if I passed Boards and had my license, not if I got an A in Clinical Seminar II :)
7. My favorite household chore is laundry. I love folding warm clothes right out of the dryer. And they always smell so good.
8. I eat more candy than any dental hygienist should! Steven has found many a candy stash around the apartment. He thinks I hide it from him, but really I hide it so I'll forget about it and then be excited when I find it! I know, I'm lame.
9. I love Neil Diamond. Steven bought me a 2 Disc set for Valentine's last year, it was awesome.
10. My very best friends in the world(other than Steven)are my brothers and sister. My parents are a very close second.
11. I have never ridden a horse. I'd love to say I want to but....
12. I REALLY dislike animals. I think I got this from my dad. They just gross me out and really, they intimidate me.
13. My plan if I didn't get into Dental Hygiene school was to move to Utah with my friend Ashlie and get my teaching degree. I think I would have hated it.
14. It is impossible for me to take a shower any shorter than 15 min. I usually average 20-30 min.
15. I hate socks.
16. I hated the color pink and refused to wear it until I got a pink outfit for my HS graduation. Now, it's one of my favorite colors and I wear lots of it!
17. After I broke up with my last boyfriend who I dated for 2 1/2 years, I promised myself I wouldn't date for at least a few months. Two weeks later, Steven and I were dating.
18. I'm a total Daddy's Girl and I always will be! My dad is my hero, and I wouldn't have it any other way.
19. I always turn the faucet on when I use the bathroom. I hate the thought of anyone hearing me, because I HATE hearing anyone else.
20. I really want to try a new hairstyle, something totally different, but we all know I'm a wuss and won't do it.
21. I watch way too much TV. I don't think I could function without it, which is really sad.
22. I love my alone time. Give me a half hour to myself, and I'm a happy girl.
23. I am currently calling-less at church. We were released from nursery a month ago and Steven got a calling the same day. I'm really enjoying Relief Society, and hoping I can fly under the radar for a bit longer :)
24. My dream vacation would be a trip to Italy and Greece. I'd love to go to Switzerland, too. Steven and I plan to do this someday.
25. I'm taking the last of my classes for my Bachelor's degree this semester online. To be perfectly honest, it's one of the last things on my mind and I lost all ambition before I even started the classes.
Whew! That was hard! I tag anyone who has enough time to do this, it took me 3 days!!